Hi, my name is Trevon Bernard
I'm a Front End Engineer.

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I am a 24 year old Junior developer, who is has a firm grasp of HTML, CSS and Javascript. I bring websites to life

When I'm not coding usually at the gym or spending time with family and friends. My long term goal is to one day be a full stack developer, doing what I enjoy most. I would also like to travel to Europe and experience the different cultures there.

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Infinity Scroll

This project showcases the popular infinite scroll animation used in a lot of modern wedsites. The Unsplash API was used via the fetch request method to load 30 images at a time.

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Picture in Picture

Used a screen capture API and picture in picture to create a mini version of a window.

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Dark & Light Mode

Developed a button which switches root CSS variables to using Javascript Function. Which in turn toggles the page between Dark and Light.

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Qwik Meals

A fictional diet subscrition service website. It was developed using a Tailwind CSS template with some custom animations.

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